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JQuery Gantt editor - how to (open-lab.com)
65 points by robicch on Aug 28, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

That´s great, the first jQuery based Gantt that does dependencies. Exactly what I´m looking for :)

In terms of style, this one is nice as well: http://taitems.github.com/jQuery.Gantt/

If it wouldn´t be for using Ext.js and the large code size, this one is the most polished in terms of look and function: http://bryntum.com/products/gantt/

If you need any help with styling it a bit differnt, give me a shout :)

This editor is as far I know the most complete one built in jQuery. Regarding Ext.js the Bryntum's one is far the best I found. Here I compiled a list of available ones: http://roberto.open-lab.com/2012/06/14/the-javascript-gantt-...

Great overview!

One thing that would be great to add to the overview (if you´ve still got the demo files) is how large the download is - it´s one of the things that spoke against Bryntum's solution (over 2 MB!).

Ext Gantt is actually only 287kb, and <100 gzipped. It does depend on Ext JS but only a few UI classes (TreePanel, Form, TextField etc), so using a custom built Ext JS should bring this down to a very reasonable size (nowhere near 2MB for sure). :)

/Mats (Bryntum founder)

I was basing that at the Example code on your site http://bryntum.com/examples/gantt-latest/examples/basic/basi... which a bit short of 2MB (at least when loaded by Safari and Chrome, it seems to load differently in Firefox)...

It would be great if you guys could show off your skills in a optimized demo site...

Here's what my Firebug Net tab tells me:

GET ext-all.js 304 OK cdn.sencha.io 442.4 KB 253ms

GET gnt-all-debug.js 304 Not Modified bryntum.com 282.4 KB 251ms

With a clean Chrome, purged cache: I get "38 requests ❘ 829.55KB transferred ❘ 1.52s (onload: 1.07s, DOMContentLoaded: 1.07s)"

And this is still without making any effort to custom build Ext JS. We're using ext-all.js for simplicity, and to make use of Sencha's CDN which should speed up world wide access compared to us hosting a custom file.

Hope this settles it :)

Wow! I din't notice.

Big things are on the horizon for the jQuery.Gantt plugin. A reliable contributor is working on adding drag and resize to the solution while I work on some fiddly little bugs. I also believe someone had a proof of concept for adding dependencies to items too.

Great to hear you guys are working on drag&drop... Have a look at this lightweight jQuery based Gantt with drag&drop for some inspiration: https://github.com/thegrubbsian/jquery.ganttView

It implements it really nicely...

end of the year?

Looks cool! I've been working on a Gantt chart using canvas: http://beefsack.github.com/gantt.js/

The example randomly generates some JSON which builds the chart. There are still a couple of bugs, but I hope to have stable release soon. The idea was to be pretty and to minimise dependencies, currently it depends on underscore.js and XDate, but I plan to factor those out.

Your example looks cool too, but it seems a viewer only...no editing or interaction features?

Not yet, my main focus is the rendering of the chart. I plan to make an interface after the first release, but the idea is to pipe raw data into it for display rather than be interactive.

It's a pity, but the demo seems busted. It pops an alert dialog (debugging?), and then any editing seems to fail pretty quick. The screenshots look nice though :)

If your problem is due to US locale settings, the demo is set with European format, but the editor supports multiple locales. Take care also of task dependencies that can generate alerts while changing dates.

What browser are you using?

Same here; Safari 6 and Chrome 21 on OS X 10.8.1....

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