If you call it lispy it's gotta use parens.
The curlies immediately suggest some broken json or perl hash.
I can see the lispy spirit in applying the car to the cdr, and I like it!
One first bug report (or feature removal request):
makes it to the output, but is replaced with the U+00A0 character in the input textarea.
{p like so}
What's the concern with a real lisp syntax?
I for one like it!
If you call it lispy it's gotta use parens.
The curlies immediately suggest some broken json or perl hash.
I can see the lispy spirit in applying the car to the cdr, and I like it!
One first bug report (or feature removal request):
makes it to the output, but is replaced with the U+00A0 character in the input textarea.
{p like so}
What's the concern with a real lisp syntax?
I for one like it!