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What lacks evidence? I can support all claims.

You, on the other hand, make unsubstantiated claims. You equate me with birthers, you contradict yourself... and even when faced with concrete evidence, you dismiss it out of hand. You even go so far as to lie by claiming I offered no supporting evidence.

No, I've provided evidence. You've merely attempted to insult and claim that the quotes are out of context, and when asked to explain yourself, you merely repeat, as if it will somehow make a difference.

Still, you've proven you are more interested in trolling with the birther remark. This is not reddit. If you cannot discuss things like an mature adult, leave. Feel free to disagree, but insults, ignorance, and trolling are not welcome here.

Then you should support them when you make them.

But extrapolating all of this from one single statement is irrational, ridiculous and frankly delusional.

> "Then you should support them when you make them."

I do. At least, I tried. Anything that couldn't be found in the thread, I quoted.

You, on the other hand, make unfounded and untrue claims.

> But extrapolating all of this from one single statement is irrational, ridiculous and frankly delusional.

I didn't do that. You can reread my comment, and you'll see that your statement is incorrect.

Also, by extrapolating all of what?

* That they skipped the question, which they admitted to? You cannot deny this. * That they did not follow the instructions as prescribed? They admitted to this as well. * That context is important? Something even you agree to.

All of this backed up with quotes above.

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