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I agree with you and moreover I don't see a problem with default Bootstrap sites.

I know a few dozen restaurant sites alone that I could only dream of being remotely as pleasant to look at as a default Bootstrap site.

The internet has come a long way since the era of Geocities, faux 3D gifs and blink tags, and I am very thankful that there are tools to make a site look passably pleasing with very little effort. I will gladly get used to them.

Previous hacker news discussions on restaurant websites and why they suck: http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=2865836

I agree with you on the restaurant thing. There are god-awful sites out there that make bootstrap look like the holy grail of design deliciousness.

I would, in those cases, prefer to see BS

Well, there's a good business opportunity in what you guys say, build a custom CMS system for restaurants, like buuteeq.com but for restaurants.

A couple of startups in this space already are http://letseat.at and http://www.happytables.com/ for reference.

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