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I agree with your point, but I also feel as if the author was spot on with this assessment. I recently purchased a Galaxy Nexus, and one of my biggest hold-ups was the build quality versus the Nexus One.

It's really not acceptable that an expensive flagship phone, or tablet, is made out of this kind of cheap plastic.

To put it in perspective, the Nexus 7 is also made of only plastic, but the perceived quality is so different it's absurd.

He probably was spot on with several things. I read a good bit of the rest. I have the galaxy note phone. The first time I saw the ad for this tablet all I could think of was how awesome it was. It is good to see negative opinions sometimes though

I don't understand this cheap plastic argument. The plastic makes the device both lighter and more durable than other materials. If weight and durability do not define build quality for a mobile device, what does?

Like most people I put my Galaxy Nexus in a case shortly after purchase and never see the plastic.

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