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AOL: still providing insanity after all these years (rachelbythebay.com)
99 points by protomyth on Aug 22, 2012 | hide | past | favorite | 13 comments

AOL does a lot of weird things. Last year, jrecursive actually observed that their servers would make an HTTP GET for any URL passed over an AIM conversation. Looks like that doesn't happen any more, though.

The moral of that story is, don't do anything in response to a GET request that you don't want randomly triggered by bots. That's what POST and PUT are for.

Of course, there's nothing stopping AOL from doing a POST or PUT request either, or a DELETE for that matter.

Using CSRF token should protect against that and is good practice.

CSRF won't protect against traffic sniffing; only third parties constructing URLs.

By that logic, there's nothing stopping AOL bots from flooding your domain with TCP SYN requests and taking you down. It would be sinful, but it's possible.

The point of standards is to provide a place for people to meet each other halfway. Protocol standards especially.

Well the user searched news not the general web. Not sure how big of an issue this is. AOL site delivers their search results from google anyways.

Sure, they did do a news search, but it also fails at that. How do any of those results fulfill that request? My post did not contain the word "AOL" at all. My only post with that particular sequence of characters before this morning was one from April 21st which talked about the decline of empires, Netscape being eaten, and all of that as seen in Coders at Work.

People are going to do web searches for things which make no sense to technical types. We can either roll our eyes at them (or worse), or we can accept them as a quirk of the human condition and create systems which will provide an acceptable experience even though they don't "get" the web the way we do.

I'm not sure, but I think the latter one might be far more profitable.

AOL continuously highjacks my default browser search (firefox, I search from the field these days) to their annoying wrapper-over-google search engine. The inanity is widespread.

The first non-ad result for me is mail.aol.com, as it should be.

AOL is still in business?

Very much so. If you are the average HN reader, odds are likely you visit AOL sites on a daily basis. Also, the stock is up 88% over the last 12-months.

But, I feel like they've given up on being anything other than an SEO / blogging / display advertising sweat-shop. Although it seems to be working for them.

Much higher than 88%; past year AOL has seen over 150% increase in its stock price.


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