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Web design resources (elementiks.com)
33 points by _zhqs on Jan 17, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

http://code.google.com/p/offspringjs/ Well this will get rid of half the reasons I use jQuery, fabulous

Not sure how my little resource site got noticed, 'cause it is about a year out of date, and was not promoted at all, but cool! Thanks for listing guys! -E

http://browsershots.org/ can be pretty useful as well.

I use some of these. However these kinds of lists remind me of the old Philip Greenspun quote (paraphrased) about how programmers take a bunch of stuff, disappear into the server room to integrate them, and 2 years later come out to ask for more money.

I like deep knowledge of a few powerful tools myself.

I'm disappointed that Project Cool, Webmonkey, and Dan Steinman's Dynamic Duo didn't make the list.

he says to email him, probably because then he'll add them to his big list.

Ruby on Rails and django?

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