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Jaiku Founder: “We’re Not Dying, We’re Morphing” (techcrunch.com)
18 points by qhoxie on Jan 17, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

I think morphing into a dead person still counts as dying.

Such business speak bullshit.

We're not firing people we're right-sizing.

The business synergies will drive us forward.

He's not homeless; he's an outdoors men.


Like we really need a zillion little Jaikus/Twitters. The value of Twitter is your connections to people.

Now, if it were a distributed / decentralized type thing like XMPP or something, that would be interesting.

I met Jyri while volunteering at a tech conference last year. He is one of the most genuine and compassionate people that I have met in my journey to become a successful entrepreneur. I wish him the best of luck, and I know he's doing great things at Google.

And as for Jaiku. I think this is the perfect example of why Google is f-ing awesome. They're giving away code that basically details how to build an incredibly elaborate project for free. This knowledge can help thousands of programmers get started programming and that's really just ultimately better for all of us.

Kudos Jyri and Google. Kudos.

Wait, Google Video is being discontinued? Google Video? Wow, I thought that was here to stay.

sorry, you are "dead" already. Actually you were "dead" from the moment you went to Google.

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