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Reminder: NYC meetup tonight
25 points by Alex3917 on Jan 17, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 14 comments
7pm at Republic, which is on the northwest corner of Union Square.


If you can't find the group when you get there then call me, my cell is 607.351.2671

Help needed: Maybe it should be obvious, but I'm missing it: what's the interest group that's "meetingup"? HackNews fans?

Yeah, just Hacker News readers.

I'll be there. Been wanting to try Republic for a while.

Is there any specific reason why you decided to do it on one of the coldest days in the year?

I'm a bystander here but my guess is because they can't predict the weather, and/or... the meetup is cooooler than the weather!

I will be there! This could be fun.

Any django hackers planning to go? I'm into Django, JQuery and Python at the moment and would be stoked to chat about peoples projects with it.

i've been reading hacker news daily for the past few months, but haven't been an active poster (wanted to get the feel of the site before jumping in). i really enjoy the site and would be interested in swinging by tonight to meet some other HN fans if you don't mind.

just so you know, i'm a founder with a product in the early dev stages and live about 10 min from union square.

Yeah definitely come. As with all sites, 90% of HN readers rarely if ever post so you're not even in the minority.

Sounds good. I'll be there.

Alex/all, thanks for posting this. I can't make it, unfortunately as visitors are coming in from out of town (learned about it this morning). Would have like to seen/met all of you.

Have fun tonight and stay warm! My office is right up the block on 19th and Park so I've been to Republic and the food there is mmm-mmm-good. :)

Damn, i would have loved to make it but I'm still recovering from surgery. Maybe next time...

Do any of you guys go to the NY Tech Meetup? Or other good local meetups?

Gonna be there.

Alex, I like the 607 #. I'll try to swing by the meetup tonight.

How often are these meet-ups?

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