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Thanks. People don't like to be reminded of the bad news.

I didn't down vote you but I think your initial down votes were based on two things:

1) you stated your opinion as a fact. There is some research to point to shorter life expectancy but stating it as a fact that will happen no matter what seems a little strong.

2) you state that life expectancy will "plummet". Plummet indicates a very large dropoff. From what I've seen, some respected paper suggest that life expectancy might dip by a year or so.

But to have a say 10 year drop, which is what plummet would indicate seems rash as no credible scientists are predicting that.

He also provided no context and no relation to the article, so downvotes aren't surprising on HN for that.

"... He also provided no context and no relation to the article ..."

How do you know it's a 'he'? A quick scan & I can't tell.

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