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Ask HN: Which school do you attend?
38 points by jmtame on Jan 17, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 192 comments
I'm always interested in seeing who from HN goes to my school. Feel free to chime in and name your school, see who else from HN is going there too.

Stanford undergrad, although I am taking 2 years off to work on startups/travel the world in south america, asia, europe, etc.

Stanford undergrad as well. Do you have a way to contact you?

Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School (graduated)

Oh, and I once took a linear algebra class at Northwestern University, but it didn't take and later I had to reteach myself from scratch.

APU - www.anglia.ac.uk - a 3rd rate polytechnic university in the UK ;)

(wonder why this was upvoted, are there /other/ APU users out there?! seems rather unlikely :/)

from Georgia Tech

nice =) is the ATDC still there?

BS and MS in Comp. Sci already and working on my Ph.D.

The MS was more of a pit stop than a final destination :).

Do you drink your whiskey clear?

whiskey = (fellow == jolly_good) ? clear : piss_on_em;


Helluva school.

MGT, Spring 09 - Just over 100 more days!

Whee current student.

Current Georgia Tech CS student

Same here.

CS, '11

AE '91, MS AE '92


What's the good word?

Georgia Tech, CmpE 04

CS '04

CS, Dec. 2008. :)

how's microsoft going?

Don't start till May. Traveling Kazakhstan -> Moldova -> Estonia until then.

more GT!!! 1987-1991

Current EE student

DM MS '08.

Georgia Tech CS, graduate soon-ish.

University of California - Santa Barbara

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

I think I met you today in campus.


I just got into the CS Ph.D. program here!

Same here. UIUC

Georgia Tech alum

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.

Hmm, no one here from IITs i guess.

Illinois Institute of Technology - CPE '02

Maybe not one of the IITs you were thinking of, though.

University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill


same here. GTHC.

Same here. BS CompSci '06.

Me too. CS major.

What about University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)? My graduate school. Anyone remember when they built their own campus-wide system - wasn't it a rather unique hardware - early Amdahl or something?

University of California - Santa Barbara

University of California, San Diego (recently graduated though)

Stanford University

(or rather, I went there until I graduated a few weeks ago)


Boston University '07

Nice. I'm not the only one from there. BU '04.

University of Copenhagen, Department of Computer Science (called "DIKU", an abbreviation of "Datalogisk Institut, Københavns Universitet").

Me too, though I don't really go there anymore.

I no longer attend school, but when I did it was at the University of California at Irvine.

Just down the street from Blizzard, for all you WOW players.

Also an anteater alum. I was beginning to think that there weren't any other UCI representatives here!


Blizzard's no longer in the research park though. They've moved to a complex near the Spectrum.

me too, but i'm on a leave of absence, trying to get stuff off the ground.

The University of Chicago.

CS and Econ Alum here (graduated in 2006).

Graduated in '06.

Long since graduated. Attended University of Minnesota, where oldest son now attends as a dual-enrollment "eleventh grader."

Hard Knocks.

University of York, UK

Well, I'm no longer a student, but I graduated from York in 2006.

Also graduated in 2006 from York.

Now moved to Edinburgh for MSc/PhD.

UNM, surprisingly had to point that NM was part of US! keyword 'Mexico' makes ppl jump to conclusions..

University of Florida

UF Alum.

BS Math + CS, 2007.

Washington University in St. Louis

University of Toronto (graduated)

Cornell University

hopefully one of those upvotes is pg

Yep. Class of 86.

Milwaukee School of Engineering

Purdue University

INSA of Rennes in France (National Institute of Applied Science), graduated 2005 + Rochester Institute of Technology for 6 month as an exchange student

The courses between both were pretty different and kind of complementary...

The University of Texas

Which year?

I'm UT CS BS, '08.

'09 Finance / MIS

Montgomery Blair High School in Silver Spring, Maryland.

I wouldn't be surprised if someone at HN was from there too... we have quite a number of computer-interested people. Anyone?

Close: I'm graduated from B-CC.

Do you know of any meeting groups around here? I'd love to meet a few fellow HNers.

University of Virginia

Nice - doing CS here now

BA CS, Class of 2012

very nice. ping me some time -- omarish@ the school we go to .edu.


RU CS '04-'08

Penn State

PSU here too!

i go to penn state as well

PSU alum ('07)

Cal Poly SLO ... CS (left after jr. year in '00)

Duke, BSE Biomedical Engineering (Exp. 2011)

BA History/Computer Science, 2006

Duke, BSE (ECE & CS) '07

Duke, BS Econ 2002

from University Of Southern California (USC)

I graduated from USC in '07. Fight on!

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

How do you like it? And are you a CS major? I'm considering coming here for a Ph.D. (just heard I've been admitted!!!)

Walla Walla University -small denominational school with under 2k students. Graduates about 25 engineers a year.

Is the song by The Offspring at all related?

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). Also Northwestern University and Bethel Theological Seminary.

Graduated from Temple University, and am currently auditing classes at the University of Pennsylvania.

University of Toronto -- Undergrad.

Rochester Institute of Technology.

California Institute of Technology



Oh damn. I looked you up on donut, and I live right down the hall from you in Marks (117) :).

University of Colorado at Boulder

University of Illinois at Chicago

I am studying computer science as an engineer.

University of California Berkeley

So, you are coming to UIUC very soon? http://news.ycombinator.com/user?id=jayp < He definitely can help you.

Yah (alum). Majored in psychology, if you can believe it (early Pleistocene Era: Programmed in Fortran, if anyone has ever heard of that;) ).

Same here.

Ditto! Soda Hall is my home.

You mean The Dungeon? ;)

TU Darmstadt

Me too. Nice to see a fellow here!

Case Western Reserve University

Bard College at Simon's Rock (currently, will be transferring after this semester)

Wow, you don't see Rockers too often. I'm an alum.

Yeah, that's very true. Usually, it's "where's that?"

What year?

University of Central Florida. They paid me the most to go to their school ;)

University of Vaasa, Finland

Savonia University of Applied Sciences, Finland

Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia - Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Georgetown University, '07

Also, if there are any Hoyas here, please email me. I'd love to connect.

The College of New Jersey.

Not too impressive after some of the names listed here. :-/

Berklee College of Music

Missouri State University (previously Southwest Missouri State)

Maranatha Christian University, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia

ISEL (Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa) - Portugal

Babson College alumnus

University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund, Germany.

Louisiana Tech University.

Anyone else attending school in Louisiana?

Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden

Vilnius University

University of Latvia

i graduated in 2008 :)

Tufts University

Go Jumbos!

Washington State + University of Washington

State University of New York at Stony Brook

Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca

Australian National University, Canberra

University of Guelph (Ontario, Canada)

University of Maryland, College Park

University of Southern Mississippi.

Ozarks Technical Community College

Rochester Institute of Technology.

University of Wisconsin - Madison

U. of Arizona, Tucson (graduated)

Worcester Polytechnic Institute

ITESM Campus Zacatecas (Mexico)

University of Miskolc, Hungary

EPFL (graduate school alum)

Cambridge University (alum)

Northeastern University :(

Why the sad face? If I knew that a significant portion of the PLT Scheme developers were at NEU back when I was applying to colleges, I would have seriously considered going there.


What's so bad about Northeastern?

University of Sussex, UK

Arizona State University

What's the startup environment like in Phoenix? I have lived here for the past few months but it does not seem to have the vibe.

To be honest I haven't seen much. I've been abroad lately, but in my first couple of years I heard very little.

I haven't lived in a startup hub, so I can't really give a valid comparison.

University of Washington

Same here.

University of Queensland

+1 (alumni)

University of Amsterdam

Northwestern University

Exeter University, UK.

University of Kentucky

Gothenburg Uni, Sweden

Santa Clara University

Ohio State University

Marquette University

University of Latvia

Epita, Paris, France

University of Miami

Ghent University

Emory University

Mizzou, 02-06

Univ of Utah





Brooklyn College -- Brooklyn, NY

San Diego State

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