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Heyzap creates widgets to put casual games on any web site (YC W09) (venturebeat.com)
15 points by bdr on Jan 17, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

Why the hell would I want some random shmucks game on my website?

Why would someone want to PLAY someone's random game on my website, instead of say.. on a gaming website?

And where's all the fun social stuff I have come to associate with flash gaming on the web these days (Thanks to places such as Kongregate)

Yes, seeing as how you're the perfect and complete representative of the general Internet-using population, it's inexplicable that anyone would try to do something so clearly and directly contrary to your desires.

I mean, I would have answered the questions directly, but they are so open-ended and have so many different reasonable answers that I don't even know where to begin.

So give me some of these answers then. Educate me!

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