I exercise a lot -ish, with the goal of increasing my lean weight.
I need the carbs for energy so I can train, think and not sleep a lot. Because next to training, I also keep a somewhat busy freelancing schedule.
I need the protein for building muscle mass.
And I need the fat because fat burns in fat and you can't get leaner without consuming fat.
The idea is that you can't digest more than X amount of protein per day anyway (so 20% seems okay), you want fat, but too much fat will amke you fat (so 20% seems okay) and 60% carbs is pretty much what's left.
My biggest problem right now is that I don't eat enough carbs, but do eat too much fat. Protein is going pretty well.
Because here's the tricky part, once you let go of simple carbs (white flour, processed sugar etc.) it becomes really really really difficult to eat enough carbs. And a lot if not most of high protein foods (especially animal protein) are also high in fat.
For instance, an egg is something like 33% protein, 63% fat and 3% carbs.
I also want it to include protein in every meal.
And as few simple carbs as possible. Fruit is fine-ish, but no processed sugar. Bread-like things should be limited to whole grain if at all possible.
How do I do that?