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I am a farmer and I think it is fine. Some of the interfaces I have seen for farm-related software are hilariously bad. The big farms already log all this information (and more) automatically, so it seems that the target market is really smaller hobby farmers where a "fun" interface probably isn't so bad anyway.

And that is exactly how all great companies start (by flying under the radar until it is too late for the incumbents).

I am a farmer

This makes me curious. What brings you to HN? :)

I wish I had some elaborate story for you, but I'm also a software developer.

Which career came first?

I have been around the farm my whole life, but my first real job was doing design/development/general IT work in high school. I've worked in software-related roles ever since, primarily on the programming side. About four years ago I established my own farming operation. It is still small, but I'm working on slowly growing it.

How can I contact you? Email?

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