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As a developer I like that I can use the API now instead of just reading about it. Chrome rolls out updates very smoothly and rapidly, who cares if the initial support of a very new standard is not perfect? It sure beats the support that FireFox, IE and Safari have (none).

Firefox got support for getUserMedia in July... https://hacks.mozilla.org/2012/07/getusermedia-is-ready-to-r...

Using Nightly go to about:config and enable the media.navigator.enabled pref, then you can test it out at this page: https://people.mozilla.com/~anarayanan/gum_test.html

> Using Nightly go to about:config and enable the media.navigator.enabled pref, then you can test it out at this page

That's not support. Support is on the shipping main branch. Chrome has had support for a while too if you wanted to jump through some hoops.

For this particular feature; there are plenty that Chrome doesn't support fully (IndexedDB) or at all (CSS calc) that those other browsers have had for quite a long time.

Do you mean this IndexedDB? http://caniuse.com/#feat=indexeddb . Or this calc? http://caniuse.com/#feat=calc . They look pretty supported to me, remembering that they're both based on a draft specs.

Calc must be new; this is great, this means Firefox, WebKit, and IE10 all have it.

IndexedDB is using an outdated spec more than 8 months old.

Have you actually tried to use IndexedDB in Chrome? It's on an outdated spec draft from around a year ago.

CSS calc has been in Chrome (behind a -webkit prefix) since Chrome 19.


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