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> I guess, because Microsoft now realized that they lost the age of internet, they lost the browser war, the search engine war, and the mobile phone war. They know that Windows 8 sucks that much, that people want to install Windows 7 or Linux, and they need to prevent us doing this

Then why did they make it so that to get your x86 hardware certified and allowed to use the Windows 8 logo, you are REQUIRED to provide a UEFI setting to turn off secure boot and to allow the user to remove and add keys?

If they are trying to prevent people from running Linux or Windows 7, you'd expect them to leave it up to the OEM whether or not secure boot can be disabled or the keys can be modified--knowing that many OEMs would not bother, rather than explicitly requiring the OEMs to allow that.

> If they are trying to prevent people from running Linux or Windows 7 [...]

If they were trying to do this, all they'd have to do is tell OEMs to only allow the system to boot with Windows bootmgr. No fancy signature checking required! And they could have done it at any point in the past, even with BIOS.

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