This sounds like another person who is pissed off he can't have a piece of the CL pie (read: money).
> I figured the reasonable response from Craig would have been to hire Romy and his partner or buy their technology. It’s literally what every reasonable company in the world does when innovative young people come along and make something your users want.
Why should I as a CEO be expected to cater to your whims of how you think I should run my company? I hear about people complaining all the time about how ugly and cluttered Amazons website is. Would we all be hating Jeff Bezos as much as we do Craig if someone started scraping all of the product reviews and organizing them in a web2.0-html5-ajax-startup-cool manner and Jeff sued their pants off?
> I figured the reasonable response from Craig would have been to hire Romy and his partner or buy their technology. It’s literally what every reasonable company in the world does when innovative young people come along and make something your users want.
Why should I as a CEO be expected to cater to your whims of how you think I should run my company? I hear about people complaining all the time about how ugly and cluttered Amazons website is. Would we all be hating Jeff Bezos as much as we do Craig if someone started scraping all of the product reviews and organizing them in a web2.0-html5-ajax-startup-cool manner and Jeff sued their pants off?