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Tweet by Snail Mail (tweetbysnailmail.com)
23 points by ivankirigin on Jan 13, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 31 comments

Abby and I made this last night in a few minutes. You know, as a backup to http://tipjoy.com

Not a single mention of "tipjoy.com"?! That strikes me as a missed opportunity; the main place this is going to get shared is on twitter…which is obviously your market, full stop, for Tipjoy. If only a single person learnt about Tipjoy from visiting the page, it'd be worth a single small link in my opinion!

That was a good point, and we updated the site to point back to tipjoy in the footer.

Lemme guess. Next you tell me you're gonna make it possible for me to send payment to others via the mail, right?

I would totally use that service. You should give a web 3.0 name like US.PS or something.

Thanks, but I'll hold out for pigeon-based tweets. Bird meets bird!

For some reason, this reminds me of the Fedex commercial or movie where they basically deliver a package internationally and all it has inside is a countdown timer.

The movie / fedex commercial was Cast Away.

Thanks (to both of you) - My Google foo was unfocused today. I wonder what would have happened to him in the movie had he not been marooned with an ice skate.

Cast Away

i find this more fun - http://dawdlr.tumblr.com/

This is also a fun site: http://postsecret.blogspot.com/


I wish there was a way to follow this person, because I think she is going to really turn out to be something special.

The thing which amazes me about the PostSecret site is how artistic/visually impressive some of the PostSecrets are. Maybe passion breeds expression

Maybe? No It definitely does. That's why music is always better when times are tough for the artist.

I'm sorry, but I didn't get it. I mean... WHY Snail Mail to Tweet? Can someone please explain me?

Its a peculiar kind of "just because we can" irony. I call them YPBWWWT's" (Yes, Pinky, but who would want to?!) after a particularly applicable episode of an old WB cartoon.

"...same thing we do every night. Try to take over the world!" Loved that show.

RFE: Since snail mail is unpredictable, would be nice to be able to schedule a time and/or date for the tweet to be posted, instead of just the FIFO system it seems to employ.

Also, can you add an auto-GPS location (on request, checkbox?) based on the postmark?

I think we'll just scan the note and post it as a twitpic or on flickr. We have a few days to decide :)

If you follow http://twitter.com/SnailMailTweet you'll see it in your http://twitter.com/replies

I'm not worried about knowing when to see the replies... My thought was having something posted that was not accurate.

Like, if I know I'm going to go grocery shopping next Sunday afternoon, I could mail you a postcard with the tweet "At the grocery store. The produce looks icky". Well, you might get that on Friday and post it then, and it wouldn't be accurate, and that just seems wrong.

Cute idea, but I don't want to over-engineer... just add a date/time note somewhere on the letter and I can accommodate.

why would you that kind of thing? i don't think snail mails are free. and what do you achieve by going this route?

> I think we'll just scan the note


Are you serious ? : -)

I tried to downmod you, but accidentally clicked upmod :(

We need a way to undo votes.


I was expecting this to work the other way 'round, receiving a little fortune-cookie sized piece of paper in my mailbox every time someone @-ed me.

Heh... ok, riffing off this clearly silly idea, what about something that converts your tweets to smoke signals (using morse code?)

quick, mail them advertisements for your startup!

this will work in places like Afghanistan, Iraq etc. when they get into "white city" mode and/or it's "blackout" - you can ask your local courier to send a tweetbymail so that people will have a record that you "were" still alive ...

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