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People like this give us Indians a bad name. A (non-technical) friend recently showed me a copy of Ankit Fadia's "email hacking book" and I was shocked to see the quality of material and the things he called "hacking" in that book (connecting to a SMTP server and sending an email with modified headers.) These people need to be exposed for the frauds that they really are.

The media doesn't help in all this either. Reporters, even on technical stories have absolutely no idea what they're writing about, leading to stories like Ankit Fadia and his supposed decryption of messages from Osama Bin-laden.

I agree, there are hundreds of guys in India that are doing a great job advancing the stated of the art - and you'll never hear a peep from any of them.

Ankit and Rahul are just good at talking themselves up. There are plenty of people in InfoSec that excel at marketing themselves.

Worst of all, they are an embarrassment to the intelligence agencies they have purportedly worked for.

I have no doubt in my mind that a graduate beginning her infosec career at the NSA, DSD, GCHQ, RAW, Mossad or other intelligence agency would show a better understanding of fundamental security concepts than these fuddiduddies.

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