* chalk is cleaner, cheaper, more expressive, less wasteful (no plastic), and there are generally more colors available
* chalk stays at full "marking capacity" until it runs out. Dry-erase markers make you write at less than full contrast for a long while until you toss them.
* chalk dust is no problem if you have windows you can open a little
* sounds better when you use it. :)
* nicer light-on-dark contrast (IMO)
But whiteboard gets chosen by non-experts b/c it supposedly makes less dust for electronics/projectors. Unfortunate.
We've had them in my previous company. How different are they from the regular whiteboards?
They probably look a lot cleaner than the white ones after years of usage. If the ink in the marker dries out, it is harder to read than it is to, from a whiteboard. Can't think of others for now.
The physicists and mathematicians I know seem to universally prefer blackboards, while everyone else seems to like whiteboards.
I like whiteboards for any semi-permanent or "data-rich" writing (i.e. multi-color), but probably prefer blackboards for intense computation.