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From Ankit Fadia's About Me page (http://www.ankitfadia.in/aboutankitfadia.html):

  In November 2001, Fadia was consulted by a classified       intelligence agency for breaking an encrypted message sent   by one of Osama Bin Laden's men. Since then Fadia has been involved in numerous classified projects pertaining to cyber terrorism and crime. In August 2008, Fadia was consulted by the Navi Mumbai Police Department to trace the terror email sent just a few minutes before the Gujarat serial blasts. Fadia was also consulted by the Mumbai Police for decoding VOIP messages in relation to the Mumbai terror attacks.
If this is the state of affairs at the Indian intelligence agencies, perhaps they shouldn't even bother.

Attrition.org has more details on this claim here: http://attrition.org/errata/charlatan/ankit_fadia/fadia13.ht...

"Are we really to believe the U.S. National Security Agency went to a 16 year-old foreign national in India with no published research on encryption to enlist his help decrypting stegonography-hidden messages that used three customized encryption algorithms using just his desktop computer? Absolutely not."

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