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When I was working for box.sk (so many years ago) a much younger Ankit submitted several articles to neworder.box.sk. Most of them were lifted verbatim from TCP IP Illustrated. He was exposed back then by our staff, but had a huge following of people who believed it really was his original material - people for whom it was easier to parse random internet articles than pick up a volume like TCP/IP Illustrated. The (now a) man has made a life for himself doing this kind of thing.

There's always going to be people like Fadia, and this Rahul. And sadly, there's always going to be people who believe these folks.

This is the way things work in India, unfortunately. People are a bit gullible, and don't bother to do a bit of research. For example, when I was in High School, I noticed that nearly all my classmates used Indian ripoffs of classic science books published in the West, instead of using the original. After a bit of digging, I figured the reason was that these ripoffs explained 'concepts' in an 'organised' manner which could then be memorized

I remember that. At the time was 14, I think, and hyped by Indian press.

box was good. respect.

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