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Cheddar's syncing is a bit hit-or-miss. On one hand you know that when you post a task it's synced instantly and you know when it's finished but on the other you have to have a constant internet connection.

I use these apps on the Underground to plan my day and always get errors when trying to do anything in app. It's also a huge battery drain, after each small change I see that my iPhone is connecting to the internet and using the app for a few minutes can drain a large percentage.

Forgetting about those problems, it's a beautiful app and is very functional although slightly limited. Which could be a selling point vs it's tedious competition.

I'm adding offline in the next update. The current stuff totally sucks. Shipping was more important than amazing tech.

sweet! I had to abandon Cheddar when I went abroad for 2 weeks (no constant data plan) due to no offline support.

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