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According to the FAQ, one cannot change the name of the page once it is set. This can be a real problem that I run into quite a few times, even with a couple of small pages, and even more as every website that has "like this page on facebook" has an automatic facebook page, where the name is determined by them, automatically, once, by the <title> element at that time. Talk about stupid.

Anyways, I don't mind since I'm a small fish, but the longer this goes on, the more it will (hopefully, i might say) blow up into their face(book).

Why not open a new page, and delete all content (but a link to the new page) off the old page?

You lose all your Likes.

Oh no!

Which is presumably why this is a policy in the first place...

Facebook allows advertisers to target friends of users who liked your page. They probably restrict name changes so users associated with a page don't get blind-sided if the company radically changes its product or service.

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