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Pretty cool marketing tool, but probably not all that practical- no guarantee delivery time (at least not on the front page), and hour-old in-n-out burger/fries/shakes pretty much ruin the in-n-out experience.

The next logical step: you order from burgerexpress.com and they send what amounts to a taco truck to your house. Someone in back cooks the burger en route. Deliveries are scheduled such that each customer's burger is done just as the truck arrives at the customer's address.

Oh, and when some enterprising HN'er gets that working, I also want a Web 2.0 site that will let me create virtual Mongolian BBQ entrees and have them delivered with ingredient choices and quantities as specified.

Takes only about 3 minutes for the experience to be ruined imo. Fries animal style will rapidly form a gelatinous cheese skin that's very unappetizing.

Agree. There needs to be more info on how long delivery will take.

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