I’m not trying to be rude. You extracted that one sentence out of a paragraph where I tried to explain why my reply was oriented the way it was. We were evidently talking about two entirely different situations. You removed the context to make it look harsher than it actually is.
But, I agree that this conversation is no longer productive. If my mind seems made up it’s because I’ve done extensive work on three Ruby VMs, two Ruby JIT compilers, and run large Rails applications in production. My assertions on Ruby performance are pretty well-informed. It feels to me like you’re talking past most of points to tell me I’m wrong. Without addressing any of my points at more than a superficial, seemingly flippant, manner it’s hard to have a productive discussion.
Leading off with “I think many people do not understand Unix processes and don’t realizing how rare it is to need bindings, ffi, and many libraries” is a pretty bold claim. It’s of course possible the entire Ruby community is doing things wrong. It’s also possible there are aspects of the problem that haven’t been considered. But, I was hopeful a bold claim would have data to support it.
I care a lot about Ruby performance and if you’ve got novel ideas that can work in practice I’d love to hear them. But, this works best with concrete implementations. If you have benchmarks that show I’m wrong I’ll be happy to concede the entire thread.
Can you not be rude?
You have no interest in the information I am sharing. It appears you already have your mind made up. I have nothing more to say to you.