Why does anybody think AI watermarking will ever work? Of course it will never work, any watermarking can be instantly & easily stripped...
The only real AI protection is to require all human interaction to be signed by a key verified by irl identity and even then that will: A never happen, B be open to abuse by countries with corrupt governments and countries with corrupt governments heavily influenced by private industry (like the US).
> any watermarking can be instantly & easily stripped...
I think it took a while before printer watermarking (yellow dots) was discovered. It certainly cannot be stripped. It was possibly developed in the mid-80s but not known to the public until mid 2000s.
The only real AI protection is to require all human interaction to be signed by a key verified by irl identity and even then that will: A never happen, B be open to abuse by countries with corrupt governments and countries with corrupt governments heavily influenced by private industry (like the US).