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I haven't noticed any big changes the last five years I've been using it. Other than the whole google facelift its been the best finance tool I've used. Maybe I haven't noticed any new features but what would you be talking about?

Its been a few years since I last checked, but having 'real-time' quotes is better than 15-minute delayed, which I seem to remember it was before. As well as the graphical overlay of the news bulletins on the share ticker graph is good too. Just seems to provide more timely information now, including overseas listings, than it did before. Won't replace my primary broker site, but good if I don't want to login to check a price or two.

Not all of it is real-time: http://www.google.com/intl/en/googlefinance/disclaimer/

Even then, they have a disclaimer:

  Real-time price data represents trades which execute on
  the NASDAQ and NYSE exchanges. Volume information, as
  well as price data for trades that don’t execute on
  those exchanges, are consolidated and delayed by 15
  minutes (NASDAQ), 20 minutes (NYSE).

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