I made a web app to generate 3D models of real places on earth from land cover and elevation data.
Click anywhere on the map to get a polygon, and then click "generate".
It should work at most scales, but if your watershed or region selection is too large, the result can be less exciting because it's so flat.
As a warning, the 3D models can sometimes be too much for my phone. It's nicer on desktop. I'm still working better on mobile support.
The land cover data I'm using gives a cool effect, but at some point I'd like to add in global imagery and clouds.
The backend is a Python thread running on an old Lenovo Thinkcentre in my closet, so if it goes down, this is why. (I also sometimes need to restart it when the network card stops working... I really should figure out why sometime.)
If you find a really cool island or watershed, let me know and I can add it to the "favorites".
Another thing that would be awesome is if we could download the .glb files via a link/button in the visualizer, instead of having to manually grab the download link from the developer tools :)