Paper is its own thing. if you think about it, the todo list in the computer was first a skeuomorph of the paper one. Now people have become so alienated from the paper that someone has brought their computer todo to the paper :))))
Not only this does not promote the paper, but is a huge promotion for the computer! By being a constant reminder to the notebook's owner: "this is not a computer", one will have no choice but to keep thinking of all the things they miss in their todo from a dynamic medium :))))
When it comes to skeuomorphism, this really is the last stage in the precession of the simulacra. First you have the original thing based in reality (writing todo notes on paper). Then you have the first order unfaithful copy (skeuomorphic imitation). Next you have the second order version that masks the absence of the original thing (removal of skeuomorphism and integration of other functionality, you're no longer using a computer to replace writing down notes, you're using it in its own right). Finally, you have the pure simulacrum with no relation to reality whatsoever. That todo notepad pretending to be a computer app that doesn't exist when actual notepad-like games (like crosswords) still exist.
It's just a matter of framing. If "paper" is your starting point, a computerized todo list is "paper, but smarter". If a computerized todo list is your starting point (which for many it is), then paper is "computers, but dumber".
It is a little sad (in a nostalgic sense) that paper apparently becomes more marketable when contrasted with the features of computers (apps specifically), rather than as a product in its own right.
for given values of "smarter" and "dumber". i've yet to encounter a smart digital to-do system. most are terrible and pretty dumb. a paper todo is pretty much as smart as you make it.
Don't think it is sad at all. Glade to the reverting from digital to analog. To be honest we don't need digital stuff, a lot of just makes people lazier.
Hope in the future people will always have a physical counter part (Certificate of Deposit) for their IMPORTANT digital assets such as money.
Projects like this help people to move some of the important items to physical medium. If needed they can take a pic of the notepad as a history. Seems like the ultimate killer app to me.
I'm honestly annoyed by the whole "anti-digital" thing. Like sure, it's good to take a break, but what's wrong with technology? It being more efficient is a good thing. It's like saying glass windows are bad because you can look outside without having to open them.
A skeuomorph (also spelled skiamorph, /ˈskjuːəˌmɔːrf, ˈskjuːoʊ-/) is a derivative object that retains ornamental design cues (attributes) from structures that were necessary in the original. Skeuomorphs are typically used to make something new feel familiar in an effort to speed understanding and acclimation.
We had something else before paper, and we'll have something else after the computer. Being sad over technological progress is a fool's errand. It'll happen whether you want it to or not. And you always have a personal choice to use whatever tools you want.
Paper is its own thing. if you think about it, the todo list in the computer was first a skeuomorph of the paper one. Now people have become so alienated from the paper that someone has brought their computer todo to the paper :))))
Not only this does not promote the paper, but is a huge promotion for the computer! By being a constant reminder to the notebook's owner: "this is not a computer", one will have no choice but to keep thinking of all the things they miss in their todo from a dynamic medium :))))