> If it actually stops the current large scale humanitarian disaster
There is absolutely no chance that it "stops" the large scale humanitarian disaster; the only thing on the table here is continuing the large scale humanitarian disaster to the exact same conclusion that Israel wanted.
> That they even seriously discuss nazi-like population displacement is insane, but this entire situation has become so desperate, and the Israel government has been given so much leniency by every western government... that this lunacy is still better than the inevitable results of letting israel have free reigns over Gaza.
Never forget that you said this; perhaps at least you will learn a lesson from it.
Why? Again, what do you think is the current alternative? The previous administration was basically letting israel do whatever it wants, so again, I'm not sure what's your point?
The only thing that was going to happen was Israel taking control over Gaza as a whole. Do you actually believe that that would've been better than American troops acting as a (very weak, for sure) tampon between the IDF and Gaza? As you said, the worst that can happen is Israel getting its way in Gaza anyways... but that's exactly what was going to be happening given the complete inaction from every (relevant) nation/state.
There's no lesson to learn from what I said. And I'm way past the point of having any delusions that something better could've happened for Gaza at this point. Westerner idealism is fine sometimes, but in this case, no one cares about Gaza. No country was going to save Gaza from Israel, and no one was going to stop Israel from doing anything it wanted to do there. In fact, no western nation was even willing to even just condemn Israel. That's just the reality.
I guess the previous administration made Americans feel better by just looking the other way while fully supporting the deaths of the Palestinian population? Like what's the lesson to be learnt here?
Clear takeaway is that the US does what benefits it, so has no problem being part of ethnic cleansing of a nation where it sees an opportunity to do so.
Which is a strong argument against allowing the US to have direct control of more land in the middle east, or anywhere else. Expansionism and Nationalism are a toxic mix.
Under no circumstances is the US having a presence in Gaza a benefit to anyone, even long term the US.
There is absolutely no chance that it "stops" the large scale humanitarian disaster; the only thing on the table here is continuing the large scale humanitarian disaster to the exact same conclusion that Israel wanted.
> That they even seriously discuss nazi-like population displacement is insane, but this entire situation has become so desperate, and the Israel government has been given so much leniency by every western government... that this lunacy is still better than the inevitable results of letting israel have free reigns over Gaza.
Never forget that you said this; perhaps at least you will learn a lesson from it.