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Roc couldn't be optimized for writing the Roc compiler without sacrificing some of its own goals. For example, Roc is completely memory-safe, but the compiler needs to do memory-unsafe things. Introducing memory-unsafety into Roc would just make it worse. Roc has excellent performance, but it will never be as fast as a systems language that allows you to do manual memory management. This is by design and is what you want for the vast majority of applications.

There are a number of new imperative features that have been (or will be) added to the language that capture a lot of the convenience of imperative languages without losing functional guarantees. Richard gave a talk about it here: https://youtu.be/42TUAKhzlRI?feature=shared.

It still feels kinda weird. Parsers, compilers etc are traditionally considered one of the "natural" applications for functional programming languages.

There are plenty of compilers written in memory safe languages, including the list of self hosted ones linked from the gist describing the rewrite.

>but the compiler needs to do memory-unsafe things

sorry, but why?

I am also skeptical.

A compiler is a function from source code strings to binary bytes. Writing out instructions to do memory-unsafe things is not in itself a memory-unsafe activity.

I believe the main reason is for achieving the best possible performance. Someone closer to the compiler could give more detail.

It's not just the lang but the std lib too


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