Actually you dont need an EV certificate in order to show the name of the society inside the certificate, you need the EV cert only if you want to show the name in the browser bar.
Just as an example (no affiliation with thawte):
Tipically the price of this certificate grows from one type to the other and also the required documents/paperwork changes (if you register a simple fqdn certificate many times the procedure is completely automated, if you register a certificate with the company inside, or an EV cert, you must send relevant documentation about your company)
Having said that, I would expect this kind of businesses to have at least a certificate with company details inside, or better an EV cert..
no, the site validation AND the second link do NOT include the company name in the SSL cert when you click on the cert details. You need an EV cert for that.
The site seal with a popup that includes the company details is not what me nor the op are referring to.
It says that because it is not an EV SSL certificate. go to amazon if you want to see the same message, but from a verisign (non EV) cert.