I have a good use case for them: Communication with the bureaucracy of my country. I tell my LLM of choice to write a letter to $whoever about $whatever, then I print it out (yes, we still have to do this as email don't get accepted) and send if off. I don't even need to proof read it because if there's a mistake the bureaucracy will tell me in another letter. So the burden of correctness checking is on some bureaucrat which saves me time and mental resources.
I wouldn't ever use a LLM for anything where correctness matters (code) because I'd spend the same amount of time checking the generated code as writing it myself. But a letter to my tax office? Heck, why not. If something goes really wrong I can always say "gee, I made a mistake let's try it again".
So what, you use it to spam and waste other people's time? I know, dealing government bureaucracy and corruption is soul leeching but spam was always one of the golden usecases for generated AI.
Sending official letters to the local government isn't spam, and generally not a waste of time.
People with cognitive issues, issues typing, language or presentation issues, LLMs provide a massive improvement in how they are percieved and recieved by the other side. Also, immigrants or people with langauge issues aren't quite as disadvantaged and don't need to use excess time translating or risking an embarrasing misstatement. It's a night or day accommodation tool in the right circumstances.
No, I don't just send them random letters. I reply to mail I get from them or when I need them to do something (like adjust my tax pre-pay).
Also one could argue that bureaucracies only exist to create bullshit jobs and waste citizens' time. So I wouldn't even feel bad about spamming those assholes.
I wouldn't ever use a LLM for anything where correctness matters (code) because I'd spend the same amount of time checking the generated code as writing it myself. But a letter to my tax office? Heck, why not. If something goes really wrong I can always say "gee, I made a mistake let's try it again".