You'll note the parent didn't cite any examples of the criminality of the Biden family, despite demanding examples of things on the front page of news today.
- pardoned the violent Jan 6 rioters (despite claiming to be "pro-order")
- constantly scape-goats minorities
- colludes with foreign fascists
Im unaware of those happening and would like to see a source.
> Bringing up the "criminality of the Biden family" is a legitimately insane thing to do when defending Trump.
Most Americans preferred Trump to the previous regime, just look at the approval ratings. You’re using “insane” as a way to dismiss what most people believe without critically engaging — that they prefer Trump, for all his faults, to Biden and his influence pedaling and special treatment of his criminal son.
Now give me a source on Biden's. And it's only been two weeks, Trump's approval is bound to plumet once the tariffs kick in and stat destroying the economy, we're still supposed to be in the honey moon.
Can't you fathom me dismissing what the relative majority was led to believe about the guy, in the light of the massive evidence of his corruption, incompetency and bigotry?