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I had a dual boot xp/ubuntu system for the last 18 months now and last night around 1am I reformatted and am on a pure ubuntu system as Photoshop was really the only thing that kept me tethered to Windows (I bit the bullet and have instead decided to learn GIMP)

I read the article this morning, good read.

> (I bit the bullet and have instead decided to learn GIMP)

Don't do it. You're artificially constraining yourself with a tool less common, less powerful, less stable, less elegant. If you instead spend that time learning about color science, the benefit to your work (assuming you do any kind of art or design) will be much more significant.

I agree that photoshop is the better of the two tools, I'm mostly using gimp BECAUSE it's a less powerful tool.. it's an experiment to see what I can create using lesser tools so that I rely more on my creative abilities and less on an elegant solution.

I may well end up hating it, but I wont know that until I give it a try.

Using bad equipment as a constraint on your art is not likely to spark creativity, but instead just give you a worse result. It's like saying you're going to start programming in Cobol instead of Python because it might make you rely more on your creative abilities, or you're going to start running in wooden clogs instead of running shoes, or replace your computer display with a 10" one. If you want to guide creative thinking, put a constraint on the output, not the toolset.

I've heard photoshop runs on wine.

Some versions do. There was a big (funded) push to get Adobe's Creative Suite running on Wine a while ago.


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