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It might be fun to start with a specialized language like processing, which makes it easy to create interactive animations. Here is what the creators of processing say:

'Processing was never intended as the ultimate language for programming visuals; instead, we set out to make something that was:

    * A sketchbook for our own work, simplifying the majority of tasks that we undertake.
    * A programming environment suitable for teaching programming to a non-traditional audience.
    * A stepping stone from scripting languages to more complicated or difficult languages such as full-blown Java or C++.
At the intersection of these points is a tradeoff between speed and simplicity of use. If we didn't care about speed, it might make sense to use Python, Ruby, or many other scripting languages. This is especially true for the education side. If we didn't care about making a transition to more advanced languages, we'd probably avoid a C++ or Java-style syntax. But Java makes a nice starting point for a sketching language because it's far more forgiving than C/C++ and also allows users to export sketches for distribution via the web.'

(quote taken from http://www.processing.org/learning/gettingstarted/)

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