no, for copyright and other social agreements, there has to be a declaration of authorship for original works.. maybe others can expand and clarify; certainly will vary on the major marketplaces in the world
> for copyright and other social agreements, there has to be a declaration of authorship for original works
It's the Internet - we never cared about such things here. Attribution and linking, yes. "Copyright" and "authorship of original works" - are you sure you're not a legacy publisher desperate to insert itself into the free exchange of knowledge and put up a toll gate? :).
I'm joking, but only a little. Unless you actually believe LLMs sin against the Church of Intellectual Property with every token they produce, this complaint feels out of place in context of a blog post summarizing research work done in the open. There are situations in which one could try to argue LLMs violate rights of some authors, but this isn't one of such situations.