What would it take for you to consider something to be a Nazi salute?
In the first video all the gestures from all the people are so similar that if they had been wearing motion capture suits and you gave any random person that motion capture data and asked them to pick out which one was not a Nazi salute they would do no better than chance.
>What would it take for you to consider something to be a Nazi salute?
The guy doing it would need to be an actual Nazi, for starters. Musk is many things and avenues of criticizing him are plentiful, but a Nazi in the real sense he is not.
People call Musk (and many many others) a "Nazi" simply because they hate him without paying regard to what a Nazi even is. Nazi is a dirty word, you call someone a dirty word to hate on him. It's all meaningless, and even worse the overuse of Nazi in this manner dilutes its meaning that most people eventually stop caring being called one.
Even symbols like the Iron Cross and Jerusalem Cross that have nothing to do with Nazism are labeled Nazi symbols, again diluting the value of calling someone or something a Nazi.
Stop calling everyone and everything you hate or even just slightly disagree with a Nazi. Seriously. It only signals a surrendering of thought given to any better arguments for your cause (Godwin's Law) and alienates you from everyone outside your small echo chamber. The worst chain of events is that if this keeps up, we absolutely will see actual Nazis come into positions of power and nobody will care because the boy cried wolf far too many fucking times.
In the first video all the gestures from all the people are so similar that if they had been wearing motion capture suits and you gave any random person that motion capture data and asked them to pick out which one was not a Nazi salute they would do no better than chance.