China is leveraging open-source AI models to gain global influence, potentially creating dependencies on its technology and values. This article argues that U.S. policymakers are focusing on the wrong threats by restricting open AI models and suggests that embracing open-source innovation is key to maintaining U.S. leadership in AI. It outlines strategies like investing in open development, promoting adoption, and avoiding restrictive policies to counter China's growing AI dominance. A compelling call for 'open-source diplomacy' in the AI race. This was written over a week ago, and now with the advent of the R1 model out of China it seems even more relevant and timely.
Another thought: Focusing resources on promoting creation of the most powerful open source models rather than continuing the overwrought emphasis on risks and safety is a vastly wiser course. The R1 models recently out of China are a solid case in point. The real risks will follow from failing to compete, and the real rewards will follow from succeeding. you can’t regulate and restrict your way into successful competition. In fact, it is quite the opposite.