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I stands to reason that in the information economy there will be its own commanding hights, and that different groups of people will strive for control. I would call this opinion warfare and there is certanly a lot of combatants involved.

Most of the combatants are governments but really everyone with a budget and a profit motive (monetary or otherwise) is participating.

An interesting front is open right now between Russian government and its opponents. The coverage of Khodorkovski's fate was seriously slanted on both sides of the border. Well, unsurprisingly as a lot of money and power was at stake on both sides. Later the coverage of Russian-Georgian conflict suffered the same fate and just now there is a row over natural gas supplies to Europe which gets some odd coverage.

The most interesting battles to watch are the ones where usually rational discourse turns into a foaming-at-the-mouth fight with a lot of stretches. There are plenty of nuts online, but I can't help but suspect that money is involved when a normally rational and thought-out source starts really reaching for conclusions.

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