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Why We Put On The Crunchies (techcrunch.com)
13 points by drm237 on Jan 10, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Hype, SEO, backlinks and to expose Techcrunch to a wider audience by indirectly forcing finalists to link & talk about Techcrunch on their respective sites.

A slightly longer quote:



However, it makes me kind of sad that PG goes to shit like this instead of working on Arc :( 100 year languages don't discover themselves...

His humility is redundant to the point of arrogance!

Yeah. It's easy for a Nobel winner to say he doesn't like honors.

He's was pretty consistent on this before that interview. My guess is that his success is due to the fact that he did it for the experience of doing it, not to achieve something.

to do some healthy self-promotion, what did you think?

I think there is also the concept of bribery there. Give a few pats on the back of big companies, and in return hope that the next time they need to release info, they'll leak you the inside scoop

Not to mention sponsoring future Crunchies and other Techcrunch events.

Have to give it to them though for getting Zuckerberg, Ozzie, and Marissa Mayer to show.

Who can take an angry monkey with a helmet seriously?

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