Display controllers from the 8-bit era were simple conceptually but had a huge parts count, particularly it needs to have memory access logic very similar to what is in the microprocessor. The earliest home computers (TRS-80 Model I, Apple II) had a large parts count which was reduced in the next generation (TRS-80 Color Computer, VIC-20) because the glue logic and display controllers got the same LSI [1] treatment as the CPU.
People who build modern real-hardware fantasy computers [2] struggle with the cost of the display controller if it is done in an authentic style so they wind up using an FPGA or microcontroller (amazingly easy to do with ESP32 [3])
This thing addresses the problem by reusing many of the parts between the CPU and display controller, plus the contrast is not so stark since the CPU part count is greater than 1, unlike the typical retrocomputer.
It's fascinating! It's a minicomputer in the sense that it is built out of low-integration parts, but it is like a microcomputer in important ways, particularly having the closely integrated display controller.
People who build modern real-hardware fantasy computers [2] struggle with the cost of the display controller if it is done in an authentic style so they wind up using an FPGA or microcontroller (amazingly easy to do with ESP32 [3])
This thing addresses the problem by reusing many of the parts between the CPU and display controller, plus the contrast is not so stark since the CPU part count is greater than 1, unlike the typical retrocomputer.
It's fascinating! It's a minicomputer in the sense that it is built out of low-integration parts, but it is like a microcomputer in important ways, particularly having the closely integrated display controller.
[1] https://vaibhav-pawale19.medium.com/integrated-circuits-ssi-...
[2] http://www.commanderx16.com/
[3] https://github.com/fdivitto/FabGL