> To be fair, those were considered reasonable expectations until the last few decades
Ahistorical nonsense. "People USED to save! That's why people used to generally end up desperately poor when they were elderly, and also is why the US implemented Social Security."
>My advice to everyone: spend less. You're chucking great gobs of money at things that don't make you happy; just STOP DOING THAT and you will have enough to retire on by the time you're 50.
I'm glad to see a comment on Hacker News in which the author describes how amazingly thrifty he is and how irresponsible and shortsighted and stupid everyone else in the world is. It's been ages since anyone has posted anything along those lines and really helps our discussion of large-scale social issues.
Ahistorical nonsense. "People USED to save! That's why people used to generally end up desperately poor when they were elderly, and also is why the US implemented Social Security."
>My advice to everyone: spend less. You're chucking great gobs of money at things that don't make you happy; just STOP DOING THAT and you will have enough to retire on by the time you're 50.
I'm glad to see a comment on Hacker News in which the author describes how amazingly thrifty he is and how irresponsible and shortsighted and stupid everyone else in the world is. It's been ages since anyone has posted anything along those lines and really helps our discussion of large-scale social issues.