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"Why Should Paul Graham Have All the Fun?" (Perry Metzger's talk at Lisp NYC: video & slides) (lispnyc.org)
19 points by dpapathanasiou on Aug 15, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 4 comments

No tomatoes were thrown (http://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42216), but an entertaining talk nonetheless.

Otter is being released under BSD, and source will be made available at OtterLang.org, so it's more of a bazaar effort (in contrast to Graham's Arc cathedral).

Too bad there's no source on the page yet nor do I see an example of an application that uses it unlike News.YC.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, thanks.

His last slide had a list of links & resources (there's a subversion subdomain for getting the latest source, IIRC), but he also said not everything's been posted yet.

It's real, though; he brought a running version on his laptop and demoed some of the basic stuff for us.

This was posted to the Lisp NYC mailing list yesterday (Aug. 15):

Repeating some content from a slide last night...

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