With a new battery, the throttling goes away. The cpu throttling only kicks in if your battery condition is poor, and then only at lower charge levels where the risk of unplanned power loss is imminent.
I get it, but if you’re going to accept binary blob updates from a manufacturer at all, this one wasn’t bad.
If there was a toggle, Would you really run your phone in “reckless disregard for battery condition” mode?
Because that is what this fixed, a flaw in the firmware where the power management subsystem made incorrect assumptions about the battery condition. All new phones come with this baked in and working properly, so your phone doesn’t randomly die in the middle of calls when your battery gets old.
People pitchforked over this update without understanding what it was designed to do. If your phone has a good battery, it does not throttle the cpu. It just adjusts the power management profiles to reflect battery aging.
I get it, but if you’re going to accept binary blob updates from a manufacturer at all, this one wasn’t bad.
If there was a toggle, Would you really run your phone in “reckless disregard for battery condition” mode?
Because that is what this fixed, a flaw in the firmware where the power management subsystem made incorrect assumptions about the battery condition. All new phones come with this baked in and working properly, so your phone doesn’t randomly die in the middle of calls when your battery gets old.
People pitchforked over this update without understanding what it was designed to do. If your phone has a good battery, it does not throttle the cpu. It just adjusts the power management profiles to reflect battery aging.