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Given that Trump actually won Pennsylvania by 2%, he's casually bragging about something that isn't actually true - at least the "in a landslide" part isn't true.

But then, Musk knowing vote counting computers better than anyone isn't true either (though Musk may be arrogant enough to think it is).

So I think this is just Trump throwing out fact-free hot air that he thinks makes him look good.

Indeed. No sane person would let him know of a conspiracy to commit election fraud in his favor.

He's the kind of guy that robs a bank and comes to the office the next day driving a Ferrari.

Trump-scandals kinda killed Hanlon's Razor [0] for me.

A miasma inseparably blurring the lines between malice and incompetence, lies and ignorance, culpability and insanity, condensing into a greasy alloy which is definitely some amount of evil yet not worth anybody's time to separate and assay.

[0] "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

Musk may not know vote-counting computers better than anyone else, but he certainly has the influence and leverage that would greatly help with such a task.

> though Musk may be arrogant enough to think it is

He is:


Musk wouldn't trust a computer program to count votes, but he does want you to trust a computer program to drive a Tesla.

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