> “WordPress is in trouble” depends on what “WordPress” is.
The one thing I’ve learned from all this drama is that all of the separated components of “WordPress”, from the .com to the .org and from the code to the hosting, were mostly superficial. Mullenweg appears to be equally in control of all of them and throws his weight around wherever it suits his agenda.
The only thing I have not seen Matt do is taking even an ounce of accountability. It simply does not exist for him. Just like his professionalism that’s not there.
I know Matt hangs around these parts and at no turn have I seen him engage in curious conversation.
Basically what I have seen is emotional outbursts and crusading against the windmills.
Even in implementation they're pretty intertwined. The org version is missing a bunch of basic features that make com's "jetpack" plugin almost mandatory, which includes invasive tracking that's hard to turn off.
The one thing I’ve learned from all this drama is that all of the separated components of “WordPress”, from the .com to the .org and from the code to the hosting, were mostly superficial. Mullenweg appears to be equally in control of all of them and throws his weight around wherever it suits his agenda.