I think you are taking 'nothing' (if I used that word) too literally. Of course crimes happen. People win the lottery too. That doesn't make it a trend or a crisis. All those news stories add up to five individual crimes spread onto two continents.
> you can be molested or assaulted by drunk and beligerent homed people. And, more importantly, homeless people are much more at risk
I don't know enough to say "much" more, but I think those are good points. There's nothing special about being homeless, in terms of crime, except you are much more exposed to it.
> on both visits, lone women walking down the street in broad daylight were chased after and opportunisticly molested by drunk vagrants hanging around on Robson Street. Broad daylight.
How do I spend so much time in cities and never see anything like that? I'm sure some of these stories people tell are true, but wow.
> you can be molested or assaulted by drunk and beligerent homed people. And, more importantly, homeless people are much more at risk
I don't know enough to say "much" more, but I think those are good points. There's nothing special about being homeless, in terms of crime, except you are much more exposed to it.
> on both visits, lone women walking down the street in broad daylight were chased after and opportunisticly molested by drunk vagrants hanging around on Robson Street. Broad daylight.
How do I spend so much time in cities and never see anything like that? I'm sure some of these stories people tell are true, but wow.