ICs are a lot more sensitive to EMP than vacuum-tube devices.
The amount of EMP experienced is a function both of the size of the size of the nuke, and of the receiving antenna. One reason the Starfish and Hardtack bursts affected street lighting systems is that these were attached directly to the electrical grid: power lines == large antennas.
Blast yields were also in the megaton range, 1000x greater than the one here.
ICs are a lot more sensitive to EMP than vacuum-tube devices.
The amount of EMP experienced is a function both of the size of the size of the nuke, and of the receiving antenna. One reason the Starfish and Hardtack bursts affected street lighting systems is that these were attached directly to the electrical grid: power lines == large antennas.
Blast yields were also in the megaton range, 1000x greater than the one here.